11.11.07,Let’s Stop and think.

Some serious statements don’t make sense to me. Like, why when we were once a nation of manufacturers and builders, we now have to recruit skilled migrants, yet having a high level of our own unemployed, and so many people on welfare? Is it the unions or the government to blame? From statements and articles… Continue reading 11.11.07,Let’s Stop and think.

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09.11.07. A Divided Society

It was Enoch Powell who railed in the 50s about the problems of a divided society would have, when the large number of Afro-Caribbean immigrants was allowed into England, for cheap labour. A couple of days ago I read in the press that, surprise, surprise, there are 2000 suspected subversive activists in Britain, with terrorist… Continue reading 09.11.07. A Divided Society

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08.11.07, Pessimism and Self Control

Not only are the peoples of Britain and America disillusioned with their leaders, but there is anarchy and upheaval throughout the world. By drawing comparisons between, say 1930 and today, some strong levels of change become obvious, in for example, general honesty, respect, compassion, speed of communication, insularity of commerce, education, prospects for the individual,… Continue reading 08.11.07, Pessimism and Self Control

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Author’s Note

Yesterday I considered sending no more Comments to the Blog, indeed closing it, because I felt I was repeatedly covering old ground, as one does at my age. For example, there was a piece on BBC TV News offering the fact that young people, selected for a questionnaire, considered they were at least 5% better… Continue reading Author’s Note

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