A Letter to All UK Politicians Wherever You Are

A long time ago, when keyhole surgery started to become a common procedure, I felt that there should have been some form of profit and loss bookkeeping, in the health service, so that when new procedures, inventions, medicines and treatments were introduced that showed a cost saving in parallel areas when compared with the earlier… Continue reading A Letter to All UK Politicians Wherever You Are

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Burglary on Holiday

I’m not very well up on holidays abroad any more, and so I don’t know if the heinous crime which took place where my daughter, her family and friends were staying, is unusual, or now part of the holiday scene. What I did feel was that I should draw attention to what has happened, as… Continue reading Burglary on Holiday

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Strange Behavioural Patterns

To my old eyes oddities were so prevalent in Belfast yesterday. I saw so many young men who clearly had a full head of hair, walking about in strong sunlight with their heads shaven. From a clinical point of view this was asking for skin cancer because it wouldn’t have dawned on them to replace… Continue reading Strange Behavioural Patterns

Things I don’t understand, part 1

To me, the Prime Minister’s speech was pure electioneering, currying favour in selected quarters to raise his stock. Throughout the speech, I was amazed, in the current financial climate, at the number of references to rising expenditure in so many categories, including foreign aid, In addition he talked about full employment, when professionals and tradesmen… Continue reading Things I don’t understand, part 1

I beg to differ

Having read a number of the reports of statements made by different MPs, I get the impression that all they are interested in is their own party politics, and the internal infighting that is coupled with it. The interests of the country seem to be on the backburner at a time of the greatest turmoil… Continue reading I beg to differ

The anomolies of the credit crunch

The power shift.The extremely wealthy will go on purchasing from the very best shops, otherwise no one would know that they were the very wealthy. The yuppies, with their champagne glass, before taking the tube home, I suspect will be searching the ‘situations vacant’ columns in the press. The middle class, and the lower-middle-class, with… Continue reading The anomolies of the credit crunch

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Are we over sophisticated

Being without broadband for nearly 7 weeks and a telephone for a fortnight, together with my anti-virus becoming over sophisticated so that I can’t give it the answers it wants, and my Blog provider changing his system, have all given me time to reassess many things. One is whether we all need to be so… Continue reading Are we over sophisticated