Fetching The Camera

The most salutary lesson I learned, living in Belfast was to come on the ‘Glorious Twelfth’ of July 1949. By this time I had just about learned that it was referred to as the Glorious Twelfth. An aunt living in Bangor, who had borrowed a camera from our next-door neighbour, had unfortunately been rushed to… Continue reading Fetching The Camera

Crazy Mathematics

I haven’t, a clue where we are headed, I just hope the Government does, but I doubt it. Take this incredible debt that we are servicing, – credit cards, loans, et al. How much of it will inevitably be written off, and who will be the losers in the long run? To answer that, one… Continue reading Crazy Mathematics

Faces Of The Same Coin

In the way that folk accepted the steady bombing of the cities during WW2, as something that if hated, had to be inured, the majority of the Northern Ireland population felt the same way during the 30 odd years until very recently. THE STORY OF THE LUDICROUS GIFT I have referred before to the ‘liberation’… Continue reading Faces Of The Same Coin

Leydene On The First Occasion

From the IOM we were sent to Petersfield, in Hampshire, to the Naval Signal school called Leydene. We were only to be in Leydene for about ten days and in that time we had to learn the workings of some ten transmitters and receivers together with all the ancillary equipment, so it is unsurprising that… Continue reading Leydene On The First Occasion

Smoke Tests

Smoke Test No 1. Today inspection and testing has become remote, highly technical, and mostly computer driven. In my Dark Ages every thing was hands on, mucky and tediously prolonged. Pipes are now checked with robots and cameras. I have always found it strange that smoke really does issue from a sewer up through the… Continue reading Smoke Tests

Categorized as General

A Minor Diversion and the TOPO

During the 50’s we owned a series of cars but the most idiosyncratic was, without doubt, the Morris Minor 1000. Sitting with the driving seat fully back I found my knees were somewhere near my chin, so the matter of using the clutch caused my knee to make the little signal arm come out and… Continue reading A Minor Diversion and the TOPO

Categorized as General

The 6,000 Volt Shock

To put this occurrence in context I have to write some technical information. I have discovered that any mention of physics and peoples eyes start to glaze, so I will be brief and as simple as possible. Voltage is what gives electricity impetus to move along wires, across the ether, or, as in my case… Continue reading The 6,000 Volt Shock

Categorized as Royal Navy

My Views, Do You Agree?

Political Absurdities, especially about us leading the world, are becoming the norm. A man on television was proposing we – in Britain – should give an open apology for Slavery, and implied a responsibility for restitution. Where does this sort of lunacy stop, we, as a nation were not unique. We all know it was… Continue reading My Views, Do You Agree?