A Serious Warning, Flooding.

Northern Ireland’s First Minister had Question Time. Firstly the questions had to be submitted days in advance, and answering the question was less important than unrelated views and policies. This meeting coincided with a deluge providing the worst flooding we have seen in Northern Ireland for a considerable time. The Minister for Development made a… Continue reading A Serious Warning, Flooding.

Music Of Another Form

I have never understood why Art afficionados condemn members of the general public when they are standing in front of a picture, saying ‘I know nothing about art but I know what I like’. To me this is a fair enough comment, they don’t need to know that chrome yellow with flake white in years… Continue reading Music Of Another Form

Characters 2

The Little Man in Portnoo, Co Donegal In the hotel in Portnoo, one wet Sunday lunch time, I came across a strange little man. We all met for a pre lunch drink and a chat. In those days Portnoo was not as well known and the people who summered there were generally medical or clerical.… Continue reading Characters 2

Charactera 1

I assume there are as many characters today as there were in the 40’s, but the streets seem more crowded and they don’t stand out like they used to. There was a man with a military style to him, I used to see in front of the Belfast City Hall. Smartly dressed, wearing a trilby… Continue reading Charactera 1

The Soldiers In Belfast

Any right thinking person had to be sympathetic to the young men who were sent over here, whether they wanted to come or not, to become potential targets for hidden snipers. That was not all, their living conditions were apparently appalling and they were not permitted to mix with the Town’s people, for obvious reason… Continue reading The Soldiers In Belfast

An Unpleasant Phenomenon

Am I wrong in Thinking we are having our pockets picked day and daily, in every sphere? Take Computing, what with broadband, the vast Internet and the improvement in artwork currently available on the home computers, it is a new and wonderful world, but expanding at an unnecessary rate. I wrote novels, on the BBC.… Continue reading An Unpleasant Phenomenon

Taking Responsibility

I’m not sure if irresponsibility has exactly the same connotation as not taking responsibility or indeed negligence. I propose to assume they do. Banking. On Tuesday the sixth of February, Watchdog on BBC1, TV, presented a piece which irrefutably showed that some major Banks are considering that if money is withdrawn, using a valid pin… Continue reading Taking Responsibility