Some pertinent questions, perhaps.

There is a bank run by people certain of their own invincibility, who buy up other banks run by similar nutters, making crazy gambles, dishing out bonuses and incredible pensions, and when the balloon goes up, our government hands them vast sums of our money, which they hoard, for a rainy day, instead of helping honest, hard-working businesses to stay afloat. We all know this even if we don’t understand it. But the real question is why they feel that they are entitled to use some of that money to sponsor sporting events, instead of lending it to the above, and the government ignores the fact? Advertising definitely increases sales, but the bankers are not selling anything except their own services, which everybody knows about, and advertising the fact isn’t going to change anything.

Another one is why they are continuing to be allowed to gamble on the stock exchange, which is evinced by the changes in the values of various stocks and shares, reported at lunchtime every day on the TV?

There is a crazy government, and there is one crazy blogger, who believe that it is possible to regulate this crazy system. One day, however, the blogger started wondering just how it was possible to regulate the system, which is totally dependent upon interaction between young people, allegedly very bright, buying and selling still, on a worldwide interconnection of computer terminals. In the old days, buying and selling was a matter of sending telegrams, writing letters and telephoning, in order to make purchases, all confirmed in writing, which left enough time for second thoughts by those in charge, and ease of regulation by the government. Today you can spend half a million in about 10 seconds and the deal is done, so it would seem. The fact that we can purchase anything we like on the Web, pay for it and in due course receive it, justifies that statement. There is no paper involved at all, and the whole thing is a matter of moments and trust. So how can you regulate something that is so fast, so intricate and so valuable, before the deed is done? It would seem that nobody in authority has questioned this conundrum, or alternatively the blogger is so ignorant, and continually running off at the mouth, that he has got it wrong, and they really can regulate it.

The corollary of this of course is that we would have to return to the old, sensible, but very slow system, in order to stop the repeat in the future, of other’s worldwide insanity

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