Things I don’t understand, 5

Natural development.
Please understand, I’m not trying to educate you, I am just trying to draw attention to the way that nature has developed systems, which I believe are far from the ability of man. I came in possession of a government pamphlet that describes the working of the ear and the diseases that can injure it. Over my lifetime I have worked with electronics, been a technical designer and an inventor, and frankly I cannot see any human being able to design such a complex, clever and minuscule serious of parts, which together allow us to hear and balance ourselves. I’m not going into detail, merely giving the 5p tour.

The ear has three parts the outer, the middle, and the inner ear. Sounds enter the external ear canal, travel down the ear canal finally reaching the ear-drum. There the sounds vibrate, and are passed into the middle ear. The middle ear is an inflated cavity that links the outer ear to the inner ear, and is also connected to the back of the throat. Which I interpret as the reason why we swallow when an aircraft goes from one pressure to another.

Within the middle ear there are three tiny bones stretching from the eardrum to our hearing organ within the ear, known as the cochlea. It is these three bones that mechanically conduct the sound waves through the middle ear to the inner ear. The inner ear has two parts, the cochlea, responsible for hearing; and the vestibules system, responsible for balance. The cochlea is a fluid filled chamber that looks a bit like a snail shell. When the sound vibrations enter the cochlea, the fluid moves and hair-like sensory cells trigger an electrical impulse in the auditory nerve. Different hair cells pick up different frequencies of sound depending on where they are positioned in the cochlea. The auditory nerve passes electrical impulses to the brain which recognizes them as sound.

The vestibules system is also filled with fluid and has three small sections. Each of these sections detects head movement in a different direction. When you move your head, the fluid within these sections moves. In a similar way to the hair-like cells in the cochlea, they turn the mechanical movement into an electrical signal and send the information to your brain. This information is used with your vision as censors in your joints to help you maintain your balance.

The above seemed terribly long, but I wanted to demonstrate the complexity and the incredible facility that the ear has. When you consider that We are told that life started as an amoeba in a swamp, how in the world natural progression has brought us something so sophisticated is really beyond me, and I can only stand and admire.

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